Saturday, August 23, 2008

Friday August 22, 2008 Gettysburg

Most people travel to Gettysburg to view the battle fields from the Civil War period, but we made the trip to enjoy tea and a good movie. The name of the tea shop was Apple Blossom Tea Room and Gifts.

The Menu:

The Décor:

The tea started with a salad of greens, strawberries, feta cheese and a lovely raspberry vinaigrette dressing followed by a chilled watermelon soup.

Following the soup, we were served a collection of sandwiches, scones and sweets to finish.

The heart shaped scones were coconut - a delicious flavor and very different.

Several sayings were found in various places around the tea room. Barbara liked this one.

Others were found on tiles outside the tea room.

We had a nice day and enjoyed the movie “Brideshead Revisited”.