Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April 6, 2008 Part 2

We drove along, keeping the mountains to our right; I noticed a village halfway up the one mountain. David said you could see it from Cimolai’s plant at Roveredo and that it is called Mezzomonte, or “middle of the mountain.” So we decided to try and find it. I think that it should have been called Brigadoon, because as we would try different roads, it would disappear from view. We would drive a little further and it would appear again. The first road we took led us up a mountain and to a nature area. There were hearty people camping in tests, which reminded me a lot of the Pine Creek Dam area. We tried to follow this road, but came to a gate, not allowing us to continue. This is rugged country and the mountains are rock, as you can see by the pictures. Spring is here though, as could be seen by the abundance of wild flowers, all new to me. I took the pictures of the yellow primroses and periwinkles, because it reminded me of driving along the roads of England, whose banks are covered with these wild primroses in the springtime.