Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 8, 2008 Caorle

Some of the fellows at Cimolai told David about a town we should visit that had its own leaning tower, a church where a miracle occurred, and interesting carved stones. It is only about an hour from Pordenone, so we thought that would make a nice Sunday excursion. Caorle is located along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, somewhat of a resort town, with summer condos, and marinas with all kinds of boats, both fishing and pleasure craft. But juxtaposition between all this moderninity was what we came to see --- the leaning tower of Caorle. There was no sign to explain its tilt, although my guess would be the construction of the structure itself; for it is comprised of both brick and stone but laid as though it was a repair, not part of the original tower. But who knows?

There is a causeway built that borders the sea where you can either walk atop , or down along the stone barrier. If you walk on the lower level, you are afforded a better view of the carved rocks. These are not old, but rather an art/cultural project dating from just a few years ago. Nevertheless, the designs are all unique.

At the end of the causeway is a church where a miracle occurred. Centuries ago, there were fishermen, who because of a storm could not make landfall. They looked toward shore and saw a vision of the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus in her arms. They attempted to make toward the vision where the townsfolk awaited them to help them land their boat. The storm proved to be too much and the townsfolk had to abandon the rescue. However, the children all banded together and miraculously were able to get the fisherman to shore. Another miracle that occurred concerning this church was that it was the refuge of some townspeople during another storm. The water rose all around the church but did not enter, keeping everyone safe and dry.

Here are some pictures of the outside of the church and accompanying tower that is now used as a lighthouse.

Here is a view of the sea. I so wish again that all the shades of blue could be shown on the computer as it appear to my eyes!

We managed to get inside pictures of the church this time. There was no sign saying you couldn’t, and David was able to sit in the pew and using the view screen on the camera take pictures of the beautifully paintings on the ceiling.

Here is a photo of the main painting in the middle of the ceiling. It shows the vision of Mary that the fishermen saw and the children who assisted them.

And here is a photo of the altar with a recreation of the figure of Mary that the fishermen saw. The first effigy wore out, so this is the second one. Every five years it is taken off the altar and brought out to the sea, during which there is quite a religious festival.

On the other side of the church is this little park. And on the other side of the wall that you see in the background is a sandy beach, which on this day had swimmers, sunbathers and beach strollers. A lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.