Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 6, 2008 Part 4

Along our drive, I had seen a sign that indicated the ruins of a castle. I didn’t need any more invitation than that, so we went in search of Castello de Caneva. As noted earlier, these mountains are Rock as can be evidenced in this picture of a cave we saw along the way.

We could only drive so far and then had to walk the rest of the way. It wasn’t far, but it was nearly a vertical walk. In conjunction with the castle, which dated to around the 12th century, there was a church of more “modern” architecture. There was a sign posted at the bottom of the hill saying that in July, they hold a medieval faire here.

This is the well that by the looks of the decorations was probably done last July.

You felt like you were on top of the world (notice the canal.)

Notice the canal in the picture above.

On our descent, we noticed this little fellow on the rock facing along the path.